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Arborwood Elementary
5 MHS BPA students in state finals
January 11, 2016 Syndicated from District

Five Monroe High School students who are members of the Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter at Monroe High have advanced to the state BPA Leadership Conference in March in Grand Rapids after strong showings in the BPA Regional Leadership Conference this past Friday (Jan. 8) at Henry Ford Community College.

     Here are the students advancing to the state conference:

Emily Abbe, 11th grade, first place, Fundamental Word Processing Skills.

Darian Reed, 12th grade, first place, Database Applications; and second place, Advanced Spreadsheet Applications.

Sam Kinsey, 11th grade, sixth place, Interview Skills.

Anthony Levesque, 9th grade, fifth place, Interview Skills.

Kaysi Morlan, 12th grade, fourth place, Integrated Office Applications.

     The MHS BPA advisors are Mrs. Joni Weaks and Mrs. Anne Knabusch.

     If the students place in the state competition, they will advance to the National Leadership Conference in Boston in May.