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Monroe High School
MMS holding 'net safety presentation
September 06, 2016 Syndicated from District

     Parents – do you know what kind of cyber safety risks there are for your children with their cell phones, iPads, computerized games and other types of “electronic toys?”  Those risks to safety might not be apparent but they are real.  Fortunately, knowing about them is the first step towards ensuring they do not happen to your child or to you.

     Monroe Middle School at 503 Washington St. will host a one-hour informational meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, September 19, where Michigan State Police Trooper Tressa Duffin from the Monroe post will explain what kinds of safety risks there are in various types of electronic devices, how parents can spot them and how they can help to avoid them. 

     “Trooper Duffin will help parents to understand how they best can protect their children from cyber-threats.  Since practically every child has access to and plays or works with electronic devices this is really a must-see event for all parents,” said Monroe Middle Schools’ Parent Liaison Renae Hoskins. 

      The presentation is free and open to the public, regardless of where you children attend school.

