8th Grade Class Trip
Attached is the general 8th grade class trip to Washington DC/Gettysburg information that was distributed at the meeting. The first documents is general information of what is included with the trip, second is a registration sheet, and the third is a medical release form.
The registration sheet has a website at the top along with a group code and a trip code. It is suggested to register online using the website and the codes vs. filling the paper out and mailing in as the registration is immediate using the website.
The third document is a medical release form. After you register you will need to fill this document out, get it notarized, then get it returned to Mr. Pilgrim. The document legally is supposed to be printed back to back and notarized once, but if you can only print one sided documents please get both sheets notarized. Notaries can be found at your bank, or if you take it to the MPS administration building they can notarize what you need for free.
If you should need to ask any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Pilgrim at 734-265-4152 or by email pilgrim@monroe.k12.mi.us