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Arborwood Elementary
Food Pantry in Monroe Saturday

September 09, 2016

The Mobile Food Pantry makes its way into the Monroe area from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, September 10, at the Monroe County Intermediate School District, 1101 S. Raisinville Rd.  Free food packages will be handed out to the first 200 families.  You do not need to pre-register for the event but to receive food, a parent or guardian must be present, children must attend a public school in Monroe County, and be eligible for the Federal Food Subsidy program or be a family in transition.  An ID such as a parent’s driver’s license or school ID showing Monroe County residency must be provided.

Click below if you need an informational sheet.

Updated bus routes available here

September 06, 2016

For everyone who needs the most up-to-date information on bus routes for Monroe Public Schools, please use these lists.  Each school is listed separately. 

Please refer to  this latest version of the bus route listings.  If after reading the route information for your children you still have questions, please call Transportation at 734-265-3300.  Our intent is to have tomorrow’s first day of school go as well as possible for you and your children and we hope this information helps.  Thanks.

Monroe Public Schools.

MMS holding 'net safety presentation

September 06, 2016

     Parents – do you know what kind of cyber safety risks there are for your children with their cell phones, iPads, computerized games and other types of “electronic toys?”  Those risks to safety might not be apparent but they are real.  Fortunately, knowing about them is the first step towards ensuring they do not happen to your child or to you.

     Monroe Middle School at 503 Washington St. will host a one-hour informational meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, September 19, where Michigan State Police Trooper Tressa Duffin from the Monroe post will explain what kinds of safety risks there are in various types of electronic devices, how parents can spot them and how they can help to avoid them. 

     “Trooper Duffin will help parents to understand how they best can protect their children from cyber-threats.  Since practically every child has access to and plays or works with electronic devices this is really a must-see event for all parents,” said Monroe Middle Schools’ Parent Liaison Renae Hoskins. 

      The presentation is free and open to the public, regardless of where you children attend school.


Remember this about 1st school day

September 02, 2016

Hello parents.  September 7 – the first day of school is just around the corner.  On the first day of school, we wanted to remind you that the possibility exists that your child’s bus may be running late.  Although they have practiced their routes, some of our bus drivers may be on routes they are unfamiliar with and might not be arriving at the times you will become accustomed to in a few days.  In addition, because so many people drive their children to school on the first day, the number of vehicles in the lots and surrounding streets also can slow the buses progress.  Please be patient – the buses are coming. 

The first day of school also is a day when many parents who might not regularly do so drive their children to school.  We understand that – and we look forward to seeing your children’s smiling faces on your Facebook pages later in the day because we know a lot of pictures will be taken.  However, if you are driving your child to school, please remember there likely will be traffic congestion and students – excited to get back to school – might not be watching vehicular traffic as closely as they should be as they run to their schools.  Please drive extremely carefully.

Vets, alumni to be feted at MHS game

September 02, 2016

     There will be a lot of former “uniformed personnel” at Monroe High School’s Bunkelman Field on Friday, September 9, when veterans and active military members and MHS football alumni are honored.  The event is an expansion of last year’s very successful first-ever Military Tribute Night football game. 

     The event is sponsored by the Monroe Football Mother’s Club.  All branches of service are expected to participate.  Veterans and active military as well as former MHS Trojans in attendance will be recognized and honored in ceremonies that night.  

     All of the military personnel and veterans and the football alumni are invited to participate in a pre-game tailgate at 5 p.m. near the baseball field.  The football alumni will make a tunnel for the MHS football Trojans to enter the field through just before kickoff. 

     During the pre-game festivities, Monroe Middle School teacher Chantele Henry will sing a patriotic song.  In addition to playing the National Anthem, the award-winning Monroe High School marching band will perform a medley of patriotic songs.  Former US Air Force pilot Ty Dimeff will do the coin toss.  A moment of silence will be held to honor the former Monroe High School students who died in the service, as well as others who gave their lives in service to their country.

     Veterans and active military members present will be asked to stand and be recognized during the pre-game show.  Pre-game starts about 6:30 p.m. with the kickoff set for 7 p.m. 

State releases M-STEP scores

August 30, 2016

     The spring 2016 M-Step testing showed that Monroe Public Schools students improved in several grades in language arts and math, and more than 2,000 of those students scored at either advanced proficient or proficient levels in at least one of the state assessments.

     The State of Michigan Department of Education on Tuesday morning (August 30) released spring M-STEP test results from public school districts across the state. 

     At Monroe Public Schools, growth was seen in grades 4, 5, 6 and 8 in language arts and in grades five and six in mathematics, when compared with the previous year’s scores. 

     “The growth is encouraging, but does not meet district expectations for significant growth and improvement for all students,” said Dr. Barry Martin, superintendent, Monroe Public Schools. “The district recognizes that more work needs to be done to continue to help all students to reach their potential.”

     Dr. Martin said that Monroe Public Schools has in its schools an extensive array of learning opportunities and supports for students at all levels, K-12.

     “Students have responded positively to these opportunities available to them.  Local assessments and every-day evaluations by teachers indicate that students are moving forward and by the time they graduate, they will be prepared for success in their careers and their post-secondary learning,” Dr. Martin said.

     Being the largest and most diverse district in the area, brings with it a number of instructional challenges, Dr. Martin added. 

     “Monroe Public Schools is dedicated to providing the best learning experiences possible for all of our students, using whatever resources are available.  We want to make sure that as many students as possible successfully walk across the stage each June,” he said.

     M-STEP tests are designed to show how well students are mastering Michigan’s standards.  The state standard broadly outlines what students should know and be able to do, by subject and by grade level.  Ultimately, M-STEP results will show how ready students are to enter the workplace, career education training and college.



Elementary open houses are Wednesday

August 30, 2016

All of Monroe Public Schools' five elementary campuses will hold their back-to-school open houses from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday (August 31).  This is a great time for parents to meet their child's teacher, for children to meet their teachers and for children to meet their new classmates.  In addition, each school has different special events for those attending open house. 

For Monroe Middle School parents and their children, the MMS open house will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, September 1.

First day of school for Monroe Public Schools will be Wednesday, September 7.  

Community Ed offers various classes

August 26, 2016

     With kids returning to classes, moms and dads have a chance to head back to class, too, by signing up for a Monroe Public Schools Community Education and Recreation class.  With nearly 75 choices, there is bound to be something just right for everyone, even youngsters, and our four-legged friends, too. 

     Among the classes that are new for fall are performing arts and a do-it-yourself sushi class for kids.  A genealogy class, which has not been offered for awhile, returns to the fall lineup. 

     Here are the topics and number of courses available.  Arts and crafts (11), Art Insight Emporium class (4); Fitness and recreation (8); Water activities (5); Music (5); Sewing and needlecraft (10); Computer classes (4); Special Classes (14); Kid’s Corner (10) and Dog Obedience (3).  

     All of the courses are described in detail in the Fall 2016 class catalogue which was has been distributed through the Monroe News.  Registration begins August 29. 

     Besides information on classes, the class booklet also includes registration information and signup sheets for the always popular junior cheer and flag football.  Signup early to make sure you can get the class or activity you want.

     All classes must be prepaid and there are various ways to register.  Phone registrations are accepted by using Visa, Mastercard, Discover or American Express at 734-265-3170.  You can register by mail by completing the registration form in the catalogue and sending it with a check or money order made payable to Monroe Public Schools and mailing it to Community Education, 1275 N. Macomb St., Monroe, MI  48162.  Registrations will be taken in person at the Community Education office from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., daily.

     Persons who may not have received a catalogue can pick one up at the Community Education office at the Monroe Public Schools Administration Building.  It is also is displayed on line on the Monroe Public Schools website at

Learning Bank to hold orientation

August 24, 2016

The Learning Bank of Monroe County, 1102 E. First St., will hold its new student orientation on Wednesday, September 7, and on Thursday, September 8 at the Learning Bank. 

     Since its inception five years ago, the Learning Bank has offered classes for persons studying to earn their GEDs but starting this year, the Learning Bank also is giving its students the opportunity to earn a high school diploma with the new Monroe Adult Diploma.

     Among the services that the Learning Bank offers are tutoring, national career readiness, career counseling, financial literacy training, computer basics and a course in study tips and time techniques, time management and other learning styles assessments. 

     All educational services are free and open to all Monroe County residents, although there is a $10 registration fee which can be waived for financial need.

The Learning Bank in Monroe is open from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.  Persons interested in registering for classes or who need more information can call the Learning Bank at 734-265-4200 or text them at 734-719-1408.

     The Learning Bank, which is operated by Monroe Public Schools, is part of the Monroe County Learning Bank Network which is a collaboration of educational institutions, non-profits and businesses, working together to equip adult learners with basic skills to succeed in “No Worker Left Behind” post-secondary training and education.

Dr. Martin to retire Dec. 31

August 23, 2016

Dr. Barry Martin, who in his nearly 44 years of public education has been a classroom teacher, a school principal, a central office administrator and school district superintendent, has informed the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education that he intends to retire as superintendent of Monroe Pubic Schools on December 31, 2016.  Dr. Martin has been superintendent of Monroe Public Schools since July 1, 2013. 

     The school board accepted Dr. Martin’s retirement at its meeting Tuesday, August 23.

     Under Dr. Martin’s guidance, the nearly 6,000-student district has greatly expanded education offerings at various levels.  For instance, when it appeared the Learning Bank of Monroe County may have to close due to lack of funding, Dr. Martin developed a funding plan and helped the Learning become an MPS facility.  It remains a viable education alternative for adults.  In fact, it just recently started offering the Monroe Adult Diploma, the only place in Monroe County offering such an opportunity for adults.

     Since Dr. Martin became superintendent, Monroe Public Schools assumed sole operation and direction of Orchard Center High School.  School counseling services in Monroe Schools were modified and greatly improved to provide more social and emotional supports for enhanced student learning.  This year, all 1,900 students in grades 5 through 8 will receive a Chromebook for use in school and home, to enhance their learning opportunities.  In addition, the district is moving into a total digital curriculum for science studies at the k-9 level.

     Other improvements which have come under Dr. Martin are increased security at all school buildings and the administration building, including a new building access control system at each school.  Improved state-of-the-art bus security for all 58 of the district’s fleet of buses will be in place when school starts.  In addition, the district greatly improved its communications with the district families and staff by installing a new call-out system that is used for such things as school closings and delays. 


     Dr. Martin has been with Monroe Public Schools since 1986.  He began with the district as elementary school principal at the former Christiancy Elementary School.  For 13 years, he served as Director of State and Federal Programs, annually securing more than $4 million in state and federal grant programs. 

     He also developed the first district-wide school improvement plan before becoming superintendent which continues to be the focus for instruction in Monroe Public Schools today.  

     During his years with Monroe Public Schools, he wrote the district’s anti-bully policy and established Monroe Virtual High School, the first institution of its kind in Monroe County.  He also directed the district’s summer school program and worked closely with homeless families in the district to ensure their children receive an education.  In addition, he coordinated the McKinney Vento Education for Homeless Grant Program for Monroe County for many years. 

     At Monroe Public Schools, Dr. Martin established the program for English Language Learner students, lead development of the first written art curriculum for the district and introduced Outdoor Education for Elementary students.  

   Prior to joining Monroe Public Schools 30 years ago, Dr. Martin spent 11 years as a classroom teacher and three years as an assistant principal in the Washington Local Schools in Toledo.  He holds three degrees from Bowling Green State University – a bachelors degree in Elementary Education, a masters degree in School Administration and a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Educational Administration.