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Custer 1 Office Staff

Seaira Massingill- Administrative Assistant

Tammy Everson- Administrative Assistant

Office: 734-265-4300

Fax: 734-265-4301

Attendance Line: 734-265-4399

Custer II Office Staff

Kelly Lehr- Administrative Assistant 

Office:  734-265-4400

Fax: 734-265-4401

Attendance Line: 734-265-4499








Mrs. Melissa Bell, Principal


Mrs. Kelly Lake, Assistant Principal



Office Hours

Custer I  8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Custer II 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Starting & Ending Times

Custer I   8:43 am - 3:40 pm
Custer II  8:38 am - 3:35 pm


Half Day Release Times

Custer I   12:03 pm
Custer I 11:58 am



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