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Custer Elementary Campus

Monroe Public Schools - Student District Policy


Student Use of Electronic Communication Devices

Student use of cellular telephones and other electronic communication devices is prohibited during the hours that school is in session. Students may possess cellular telephones and other communication devices in schools and on school property during the hours that school is in session, provided that said phones and devices are kept out of sight and turned off, including photographic and other functions, and within the following limitations:


Elementary students in grades Pre-K through grade 6 may possess cellular phones and other communication devices only when deemed essential, and with a written request by the parent or guardian, approved by the school principal:


  • The written request should specify the reason that possession of a cellular phone or other device is essential, and the expected duration of time the possession is necessary.

  • Students who obtain permission to possess cellular phones shall keep them out of sight and off during school hours.

  • Violation of this policy shall result in the following:

  • First Offense: The device is confiscated by school personnel and the parent/guardian is required to pick it up from school, at which time a review of the policy requirements will be conducted.

  • Second Offense: Student forfeits the privilege of possessing a cell phone in school for a period of one month.

  • Third Offense: Student forfeits the privilege of possessing a cell phone in school for the balance of the school year.