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Your contribution to the Monroe Public Schools Education Foundation helps in several ways – in the classroom in the form of mini grants or to the scholarship program to help a deserving Monroe High graduate continue his or her studies.

The Education Foundation of Monroe Public Schools says, “Thank you.”


Name _______________________________

Address _____________________________


Phone _____________________

I have enclosed $_____ as a contribution to the Education Foundation of Monroe Public Schools. (Please make checks payable to the Education Foundation of Monroe Public Schools.)

I would like my donation registered in the name of ________________________________________

Living ___ Deceased __________


I would like my donation to go to:

____ Support of the Scholarship Program

____ Support of the Mini-Grant Program

____ I have no preference.  Discretion of the Foundation board is acceptable to me.

____ Other


Please mail your tax-deductible contribution to:

Education Foundation of Monroe Public Schools

1275 N. Macomb St.

Monroe, MI 48162


To pay by Credit Card, please fill out and return the following.

Please circle              Visa                Mastercard                Discover

                                    Debit              Credit

Name _________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________

City/State/Zip Code ______________________________________________

Billing Address (if different) _______________________________________


Credit Card Number ______________________ Exp. Date _______/______

CVV No. _______________ Amount paying $_____________

Date received __________/____________/____________



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