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Monroe Public Schools Science Philosophy

Monroe Public Schools Science Curriculum Committee has completed a K-6 curriculum document which is aligned with the Michigan Science Grade Level Content Expectations. The curriculum has been carefully constructed in a fashion that will promote science literacy both in a world that relies on technology to carry out scientific procedures and in a world where science is rapidly growing and is extensively applied in diverse fields. The impact of science and technology on society has created the necessity for re-conceptualizing and restructuring science curricula.

This curriculum requires teachers to facilitate hands on activities throughout the science curriculum as a regular practice. All disciplines will be taught in grades K-6. Four main disciplines that will drive these GLCE’s include:

  • Science Processes: Inquiry Process, Inquiry Analysis and Communication, Reflection, and Social Implications

  • Physical Science

  • Life Science

  • Earth Science

Content statements/expectations for each standard will guide the teachers with specific details that are to be used to design lessons. It is the district’s expectation that with the development of Monroe Public Schools new science curriculum, teachers will be able to teach all content standards and statements/expectations designed for their grade level. Student performance will be measured in a variety of ways, which will include district assessments and MEAP results. Teachers, regardless of grade level, will be expected to promote inquiry-based instruction and provide classroom environments and experiences that facilitate students’ learning of science. Exploration of the outdoor world of science is encouraged.

We believe that all children have an innate desire to explore the nature of science. It will be our mission to deliver the activities and knowledge that allows the student to become lifelong learners in science.




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