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Board Recognition & Vacancy
WRITTEN BY Wendy Krouse ON January 12, 2023

Bob NicholsMonroe Public Schools honored the MPS Board of Education in celebration of School Board Recognition Month at their January 10th meeting.  Interim Superintendent Andrew Shaw presented each Board member with a certificate of appreciation for their service and thanked them for their time, effort, and dedication  to the students, staff, and community.

“Monroe Public Schools is blessed to have a talented group of individuals who care about our kids and our community,” Shaw stated.  “We value your service, as you gather to make decisions and as you represent us as ambassadors throughout Monroe and beyond.” 

The recognition coincided with the Board’s 2023 Organizational Meeting which included the election of officers.  The new 2023 MPS Board of Education officers include Larry Zimmerman, President; Lawrence VanWasshenova, Vice President; Mary Vincent, Secretary; Darla Myers, Parliamentarian; and Tom Heck, Treasurer.  Dr. Scott Behrens was elected as School Board Liaison Representative to the Monroe County Intermediate School District.   

During the meeting,
Robert Nichols announced his resignation from the Board due to health concerns.  Nichols was first elected to the MPS Board of Education in November, 2016, and has served the past four years as Board President.  Prior to his Board service, Nichols taught in Monroe Public Schools for 25 years as a secondary science and social studies teacher.

“I’ve known Bob since the seventh grade, and it has been a pleasure to serve on the Board with him,” Zimmerman said.  “We will miss his valuable input, and of course, we wish him all the best.”

To fill the vacancy, the Board is accepting applications from district residents.  Those wishing to be considered are asked to submit a letter of interest, with reasons why they want to serve on the Board, and a biography and/or resume to or to: Office of the Board of Education c/o Monroe Public Schools, 1275 N. Macomb St., Monroe, MI 48162.  Letters must be received by 4 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, 2023.


Applicants must be registered voters residing in the Monroe Public School District.  This is a temporary appointment that expires when the November 2024 elections are certified.  The appointee is free to file a petition to run in the November 2024 election for one of the positions that will be open.

A decision on the Board appointment will be made on January 31, 2023.   Questions should be directed to the Superintendent’s Office at (734) 265-3000.


Board Vacancy Information

MPS Recognizes Board of Education, Announces Board Vacancy PDF

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