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Students art work honored

December 16, 2016

Twenty-one students were honored Tuesday for their artwork, which was selected to be displayed for the year in the district’s Board of Education room within the district’s administration building.

The students received certificates for their accomplishment and shook hands with school board members.

Melissa Cramer, an art teacher at Manor Elementary, said the district has been displaying student art in the board room for about 20 years.

“The art is selected from all of the art work submitted for display at the Monroe County Fair Little Red Schoolhouse from Monroe Public Schools,” she said.

More than 200 pieces were submitted before the final 21 were chosen.

Elliott Moore, a sixth-grader at Manor Elementary, is among the young artists to have a piece selected. His piece features brightly-colored symmetrical cut paper figures.

“I’m very excited,” Elliott said of his artwork being selected. “Now, my art will be up here for a whole year for others to see.”

The youth said he enjoys art class.

“It’s just fun to express yourself,” Elliott said.

Bonnie Ritsema from Arborwood and Melanie Castellese from Raisinville have taken over the board room display since Steve Simons, a former Custer art teacher, retired.

The art work remains in the board room until new art is selected each November. Students are then honored at the December board meeting.

The elementary art department has a unified curriculum created for each trimester assessment, Ms. Cramer explained. Students learn self-portraits and figure drawing, study still life and finally landscape. Yet, art teachers also introduce additional elements of art to expand students’ knowledge. The three main parts of the curriculum, and others, are reflected in the pieces in the board room.

"We chose these three genres as they are the most prevalent in historic art,” Ms. Cramer said. “At the elementary level all art teachers introduce students to these genres with each year building on the previous, introducing students to more complex concepts as they get older in each area of study. This creates a consistent foundation for all students so when they move to the middle school and high school they all have the same basic knowledge allowing those teachers to expand on higher level thinking and creating.”

Ms. Cramer said the district has supported the art department.

“Our administration understands to create a whole student we need to ensure that they have the enrichment opportunities to allow them to grow, investigate and discover new talents and avenues that they would otherwise miss out on if MPS didn’t believe in educating the whole student,” she said. “We are more than blessed to have a district that supports fine arts in all of its forms.”


60 students to be honored at AIM banquet

December 15, 2016

Sixty students will receive scholarships for the first trimester of the 2016-17 school year for hard work in the classroom.

Students in the Allies in Monroe, or AIM, program at Monroe High School will receive $200 scholarships for a 15 percent increase in their grade point average.

The program launched during the 2014-15 school year to provide an academic incentive to students who worked hard in the classroom. AIM pairs selected students with a mentor, or ally, to work on and achieve agreed-upon academic goals.

Students who achieve their trimester goals are invited to attend a banquet with their allies and families where they are recognized. This year’s trimester banquet will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Dec. 19 at St. George Cultural Center in Monroe.

AIM is the only program of its kind in a Monroe County high school. This trimester, 130 students signed up and 60 achieved the scholarship money.

The program also relies on angels, which are people, foundations, businesses and organizations that provide financial support to award the financial incentive to students.

AIM is open to all students. Through the program, students can earn up to $2,400 during their high school years to assist with post-secondary goals.

“All of us mentors here at Monroe High School are extremely proud of our students’ success this year,” said David Henry, AIM coordinator. “We are very proud to see our students get fired up about their learning, motivated to rise up and overcome challenges, get excited about their future and where they are headed. That’s what AIM is all about.”

Henry said as a mentor, allies are building relationships with the young men and women and are seeing them flourish.

“Even more importantly, they see it in themselves,” Henry said. “That is what we are proud and excited to be able to be a part of… success!”

  First trimester scholarship recipients include seniors Enique Adams, Shane Adrian, Clayton Bomia, Madisen Boylan, Ryenne Braden, Amanda Brooks, Marcus Carey, Hunter Chorkey, Ryan Ernest, Chadd Farrand, Mikal Farris, Tyson Grant, Jovan Johnson, Katelyn Kaschynyc, D’Angelo Logwood, Samantha Long, Orlando Matos-Cruz, Katie McHugh, Bailey Meadows, Kaysie Pancone, Desiree Russell, Jordan Scheuer, Skylar Sortor, Danielle Villarreal, Kaylee Watters and Mariah Wilkes.

Juniors include Dakota Bascom, Kristen Bolster, Troy Laidler, Alexis Miller, Roman Senavanh-Smith and Kayla Shankleten.

Sophomores include Mercedes Beavers, Stephanie Britton, Nick Bunch, Gabrielle Burks, Drake Byrd, Elise Christian, Nya Davis, Devin Flynn, Madison Hardy, Eric Helberg, Ashlyn Hojnowski, Ali LaFountain, Sekura McCarter, Anthony Mora, Madison Rubenshtein, Bailey Shipe, Anna Traver, Allie Walter and Tyrese Watkins.

Freshmen include Casey Caplin, Henry Germeroth, Thomas Grant, Colton Hirst, Calley Johnson, Jack Longfellow, Kylie Miller, Gracey Smiley and Davis Washington.



Flynn named Executive Director

December 15, 2016

Cindy Flynn has been named Executive Director for Human Resources with Monroe Public Schools.

Her appointment was approved Tuesday by the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education during its regular meeting.

“Cindy Flynn has been with the district for a number of years and is very familiar with our staff,” said Dr. Barry Martin, superintendent of Monroe Public Schools. “She will make a fine executive director for our human resource office.”

Prior to her new position, Ms. Flynn served as principal of Monroe Middle School since June 2010. Before leading the middle school, she was assistant principal at Custer Elementary School for 10 years.

Ms. Flynn served as teacher media specialist at Monroe Middle School from August 1994 to August 2000.

Ms. Flynn graduated with a bachelor’s in science from Eastern Michigan University. She earned a Master of Educational Leadership from Wayne State University.

She is a member of a number of associations including the Michigan Association of Middle Educators, Michigan Association of Computer Related Technology User in Learning, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Association for Middle Level Education, American Federation of School Administrators, Michigan Federations of School Administrators, Monroe Federation of School Administrators. She is also a member of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Workers- Local 59- Monroe/Lenawee County.

Jeff McVeigh, currently an assistant principal at Monroe High School, has been named principal of Monroe Middle School.

Plans to fill the assistant principal position at Monroe High School are still under consideration.



Board members honored for service

December 14, 2016

Monroe Public Schools Board of Education said farewell to three of its members.

Board President Robert Yeo presided over his final meeting Tuesday. He has served on the school board for nearly 10 years. He also served as vice president.

“It has been a pleasure working for Monroe Public Schools,” Yeo said.

He thanked the community for their support during his tenure and offered well wishes to the new board members.

“My only hope is the district continues on a positive path,” Yeo added.

Ryan Philbeck, board secretary and Dr. Tedd March, parliamentarian, joined Yeo in celebrating their final meeting. Philbeck has served on the board since 2012. Dr. March was elected to the board in November, 2008.

A new board will be seated in January with the first meeting, an organization meeting, taking place at 6:45 p.m. Jan. 10 at the district office, 1275 N. Macomb St.

Returning board members include Lawrence VanWasshenova, Floreine Mentel, Cynthia Taylor and Matthew Bunkelman.

Robert Nichols, Rosalie Pasko and Cheryl Sweeney were elected to the board in November and will begin their terms in January.




Board approves technology upgrades

December 14, 2016

The Monroe Public Schools Board of Education approved the purchase of mobile devices for teaching staff.

The board unanimously approved the technology purchase of a cost not to exceed $120,000. The majority of the purchase, $105,000, will be covered by rebates from previous technology expenditures.

Mobile devices will be purchased from Apple Education. Computers will be purchased from Dell.

“The devices we are looking to purchase are a blend of Apple iPads, Dell Chromebooks and Dell laptops,” said David Payne, director of technology.

District staff is working with the district technology committee and building staff to determine which device will be purchased for each staff member.

“By working with the staff, we can make sure we are purchasing the right equipment to support their curriculum and not just one blanket purchase.”

Teachers for Young 5’s through second grade will receive the first round of devices, which will be iPads.

“Our goal would be to have all new devices purchased in this plan over the next two months,” Payne added.

It has been about five years since the district upgraded staff technology.



School district mourns loss of student

December 13, 2016

Monroe Public Schools is deeply saddened by the death of one of its own.

Alex Johnson, a junior in the special education MOCI classroom at Monroe High School, was killed early Tuesday in a house fire.

“Our Monroe Public Schools family is devastated by the loss of one of our students,” Dr. Barry Martin, district superintendent said. “It is always difficult to lose a student, but the loss is particularly tragic around the holidays. Our thoughts are with Alex’s family as well as our staff and students at Monroe High School.”

The high school’s social emotional team met at Monroe High School this morning to create a support plan for students.

Additional counseling support will be offered to students who may need the assistance. 


December 11, 2016

The band concert and all other events, including athletic practices, are canceled at Monroe High School this afternoon - Sunday, December 11 - due to the weather conditions.

Wednesday is a Half Day for Students

December 05, 2016

There will be a half-day of school for Monroe Public Schools students on Wednesday, December 7.  Pre-school at Riverside, along with Kids Club at Riverside and Custer, will operate on a regular schedule. 

Dist./Community Engagement Coordinator

November 23, 2016

At its November 22nd Board meeting, the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education hired Danielle Portteus as the new District/Community Engagement Coordinator.  Danielle comes to the district from the Monroe News.  Danielle will be replacing Mr. Bobb Vergiels who retired in September.  Danielle will be responsible for managing public relations for the district including providing press releases, monitoring the district website, promoting district events, working with the news media, and assisting with various district publications and notices.  Ms. Portteus received a two year contract.

Wednesday is a half day for students

November 22, 2016

Students will have a half day of school on Wednesday, November 23, and no school on Thursday and Friday.  Pre-school at Riverside, as well as Kids Club at Riverside and Custer, will operate on a regular schedule.

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