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Board Vacancy Applications Due Nov. 11

November 04, 2019

Applicants Sought to Fill Monroe Public Schools Board Vacancy 

Cheryl Sweeney announced her resignation from the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education, effective November 1, 2019.   Sweeney has been part of the Board since January, 2017, and has served the past three years as Board Parliamentarian.

To fill the vacancy, the Board is accepting applications from district residents.  Those wishing to be considered are asked to submit a letter of interest, with reasons why they want to serve on the Board, and a biography and/or resume to or to: Office of the Board of Education c/o Monroe Public Schools, 1275 N. Macomb St., Monroe, MI 48162.  Letters must be received by noon on Monday, November 11, 2019.

Applicants must be registered voters residing in the Monroe Public School District.  This is a temporary appointment which will expire on December 31, 2020.

A decision on the Board appointment will be made before November 30, 2019.   Questions should be directed to the Superintendent’s Office at (734) 265-3000.



Board Vacancy Applications Due Oct. 18

October 14, 2019

Applicants Sought to Fill Monroe Public Schools Board Vacancy 

Cynthia Taylor announced her resignation from the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education at the October 8 meeting.   Taylor has been part of the Board since November, 2014, and has served the past three years as Board Secretary.

To fill the vacancy, the Board is accepting applications from district residents.  Those wishing to be considered are asked to submit a letter of interest, with reasons why they want to serve on the Board, and a biography and/or resume to or to: Office of the Board of Education c/o Monroe Public Schools, 1275 N. Macomb St., Monroe, MI 48162.  Letters must be received by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 2019.

Applicants must be registered voters residing in the Monroe Public School District.  This is a temporary appointment which will expire when the November 2020 election results have been certified.  The appointee is free to file a petition to run in the November 10, 2020 election for the remaining two years of the term expiring on December 31, 2022, or one of the four, 4-year terms which will be open.

A decision on the Board appointment will be made before November 7, 2019.   Questions should be directed to the Superintendent’s Office at (734) 265-3000.




August 23, 2019

Remember to join us at Monroe High School Tuesday, August 27 from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for the MHS Parent Club’s annual Ford Drive Event -  DRIVE 4 UR SCHOOL! For every person who test drives a new Ford vehicle on-site, Ford Motor Company will donate $20.00 to the Monroe High School Renaissance Program, up to $6,000.

The Ford Drive Event has been very successful in helping to fund scholarships, educational enrichment, boosting GPA, amplifying school pride, and growing graduation rates!  So get behind the wheel of a new F150, Ranger, Expedition, Explorer, Edge, Escape, Fusion, or Eco Sport to help make a positive impact on our students!

Pre-register by visiting or register tomorrow at the Ford tent by the flagpole. 

Make sure to officially CHECK OUT and complete the post drive survey to qualify for donation credit for MHS!  Your Post Drive survey will be sent by text or email.  Again, both check out and the post survey need to be completed for your drive to count for credit!  Please complete the survey on the day of the event.  A confirmation screen alert will let you know your survey is complete!

Additionally, feel free to drive as many Fords as you like, but know that in order to qualify for a donation to our school, you do not need to be the driver.  If you are short on time, hop in a new Ford with someone else as your drive will count as a passenger too!

While you look around, Vince’s Food Truck will be on site, selling lunch boxes that include two hot dogs, a bag of chips, and a pop for $5.00.

Please come check us out in front of Monroe High School by the flag pole and the Ford tent August 27 between 10:00am and 2:00pm for drive a Ford for Monroe High School!

Together, we are stronger; together, we are Monroe!

MMS Vaccination Clinic Friday, 8/23

August 19, 2019

Did you know that all students entering seventh grade in the state of Michigan are required the DTP and Meningococcal Conjugate vaccination? 

In partnership with Family Medical Center, Monroe Public Schools is holding an immunization clinic on Friday, August 23, at Monroe Middle School during the seventh grade registration.  Vaccinations will be available from 8:00-11:00 a.m.  The first 20 participants will receive a free pass to an MHS varsity football game.  Immunization clinic participants will also be entered in a raffle to win Apple AirPods or a $50.00 back to school supplies shopping spree to Staples.  A parent or guardian must be present for vaccination.

Please bring a completed copy of the FMC Immunization Consent Form, found below!


Virtual School Registration Days

July 31, 2019

Virtual School Registration Days for grades 7-12 will be held on Monday, August 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and on Thursday, August 8 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Riverside Learning Center, 77 N. Roessler, Monroe, MI 48161.  New and returning students are welcome. We hope to see you there!


July 25, 2019

Monroe Public Schools is seeking a licensed realtor to list the Trojan Build residence at 15469 Charles St. in the South Monroe Townsite neighborhood of Monroe, MI. For consideration, please forward a letter of interest and proposed listing contract to by noon on Wednesday, July 31, 2019. We encourage our alumni who are serving as realtors, to continue their involvement and contributions to the district community! For additional questions, please call (734) 265-3000.

Ed Fest 2019

July 25, 2019



We hope everyone enjoying a fun and relaxing summer with friends and families.  It is with great excitement that we remind everyone of the upcoming MPS Ed Fest taking place August 12th – 14th at Monroe High School.  We have many informative sessions in the areas of technology, curriculum, and social/emotional learning that you won’t want to miss.


Each day of MPS Ed Fest starts with a continental breakfast available at 7:45 a.m.  Sessions will begin at 8:30 a.m and end at 3:45 p.m.  Lunch will be provided and all participants will receive a free MPS Ed Fest swag bag.


All staff that register by Monday, July 29 will receive a MPS Ed Fest t-shirt.


We look forward to your attending these three days of professional development, collaboration, and fellowship!


The MPS Ed Fest Committee


2019-2020 School Year Info

July 21, 2019

Important 2019-2020 School Year Information

To prepare for the start of the 2019-2020 school year, here are a few important dates and items for your information.

School starts on Wednesday, September 4, which is a half day for students. For the complete 2019-2020 school year calendar, visit You will also note on the District home page at, there is a list of school start and end times.

The Elementary School Open Houses will be held on Wednesday, August 28 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at each elementary school building.

The Middle School Open House will be held on Wednesday, August 28 from 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Monroe High School students will participate in school Check in Days. Visit and select on the applicable date for more information on times.

Orchard Center High School open house is scheduled for August 21 from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

For a list of school building addresses, please visit

Finally, the following is a link to basic school supply lists for grades Y5-6. Use these sheets as suggested guides to buying supplies! Please note, each individual building or classroom may require or suggest more or different supplies!

Enjoy the rest of your break!

Free Physicals

July 17, 2019

Are you ready to schedule your child’s yearly physical? We are excited to share about a local nonprofit, Universal Health Aid, who has partnered with local pediatricians to offer free physicals for kids! No insurance is necessary! Please stop by on Saturday, July 27th from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at the Oaks of Righteousness (924 E 2nd Street) to get your child a physical, just in time for fall!


The health fair will also offer free vaccinations, and adult medical services such as women’s health, EKGs, cholesterol checks, and other lab tests. Free haircuts, groceries, and clothing and school supplies will also be provided.


A flyer with information about the Health Fair is located below.


Thank you, and have a great evening!

Now Hiring Bus Drivers

July 11, 2019

Monroe Public Schools is now hiring Bus Drivers! Paid training will be provided, a high school diploma or a GED is required. Starting wage after securing a commercial driver’s license and completion of all training is $16.45 per hour. Medical Insurance is available. $500 bonus is payable after completing 90 full working days of operating a school bus. Must pass Department of Transportation physical examination, criminal background check, and all other pre-employment conditions. The successful candidate must possess a good work ethic and a willingness to work with children and as an effective team member.
Apply at, and click on Employment Opportunities, or apply in person at the Transportation Center located at 4920 W. Albain Rd. 734-265-3300.

Substitute bus drivers are first to be considered for regular bus driver positions. Regular positions are currently available.

Now Hiring Bus Drivers

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