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Manor Elementary School
MHS makeup registration day is Tuesday
August 24, 2015 Syndicated from District

The make-up day for Monroe High School registration for students is set for Tuesday (August 25.)  Please come to MHS between 8 a.m. and noon on Tuesday if you were unable to register last week.  It is important to be registered before school starts since a number of time-consuming activities are taken care of to eliminate as many in-school interruptions as possible.  At the makeup registration, these materials will be collected before students will receive their schedules.
• Updated student registration form
• Free and reduced lunch applications
• Outstanding books, materials and fines (students may not get schedules if they still have outstanding books)
• Physical forms for athletics (if applicable)
• Student insurance information
• Dress code/hall sweep pass letter signed by parent.
After handing in these materials, students will be able to pick up their schedules, have their pictures taken and receive their MHS photo ID cards, receive their handbooks and locker assignments and buy their parking permits (for juniors and seniors only.)MHS
