2025-2026 Scheduling
Student Scheduling Information Page
Welcome to the Student Scheduling Information page!
Important Links and Documents:
1. Curriculum Guide - This is a catalog of classes that have been offered at MHS over the past 3 years. Course descriptions and prerequisites are listed here. Students should use the Class Possibilities sheet that was given out in class to confirm which classes will run for the 2025-2026 school year.
2. Class Request Presentations - These are the Google Slideshows of the classroom presentations provided by counselors in students’ current English Classes for class requests for the 2025-2026 school year.
3. Class Request Forms - These are PDFs of the form that students will be completing to make their class requests for the 2025-2026 school year.
Freshman Course Request Listing
Freshman Course Request Sheet
Sophomore Course Request Listing
Sophomore Course Request Sheet
Junior Course Request Listing
Junior Course Request Sheet
Senior Course Request Listing
Senior Course Request Sheet
4. Counselor Contact Information:
● Rachel Combs (Last Names A-G; 10th-12th Grades)
- Email: combs@monroe.k12.mi.us
- Phone: 734-265-3435
● Adam Tylenda (Last Names H-O; 10th-12th Grades)
- Email: tylenda@monroe.k12.mi.us
- Phone: 734-265-3438
● Lisa Warnke (Last Names P-Z; 10th-12th Grades)
- Email: warnke@monroe.k12.mi.us
- Phone: 734-265- 3439
● Nate Hoffman (All Current 9th Grade Students)
- Email: hoffmann@monroe.k12.mi.us
- Phone: 734-265-3428