* SST will begin tentatively 9/28. Forms must be completed by parent in order for students to participate. Forms are in the handbook or in Office 13.
* Current 8th grade students who were members of NJHS last year maintain their membership through the 2015-16 school year. Please check the bulletin board across from office 10 for the 2015-16 meeting schedule. There you will also find the link to our NEW NJHS website and log in instructions for our 2015-16 Remind group. If you have any questions please see Mr. Hoppert in 305.
* Fundraiser is due September 22nd.
* Picture Day is this Thursday, September 17th.
* Any student interested in joining the MMS robotics club should plan to attend a meeting after school on Thursday, September 24th from 3-4pm in room 102. Students need to arrange transportation home.
* There will be NO parent pick up between 2:30-2:45pm. Parents will have to wait until the bell rings to pick up a student.
* Office 13 will be open to students and staff after school each day until 4:30. If a student needs to use the phone they should report to Office 13.
*· Students, if you use a phone in ANY office, please be sure to LEAVE A MESSAGE if the person doesn’t answer. All of our phones in this building show the same number so if you don’t leave a message and the person calls back we will not know where to direct them!!!
* Please wait behind the yellow line during bus pickup after school.