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Baccalaureate set for June 2 at MHS

May 17, 2016

A baccalaureate service open to all Monroe High School seniors and other local high school seniors, too, will be held at 7 p.m., Thursday, June 2, in the Monroe High School Auditorium, 901 Herr Rd.

The service is a long-time tradition at Monroe High School and is being planned by several local churches to honor and to inspire this year’s graduates.

All Monroe County graduates are invited and encouraged to attend.  Graduates are asked to wear their school’s cap and gown.  All participating seniors should line up in the foyer outside the auditorium at 6:45 p.m. that night to proceed into the ceremony.

          The inspirational service will include student, teacher and local pastor participation as a way to honor all 2016 graduates.  The Rev. Kevin Eccles, pastor of Monroe Free Methodist Church, will be the keynote speaker.

          For more information, please contact Tammy Massingill at 734-625-0669. 


Information compiled by Bobb Vergiels

Servises to step down when school ends

May 16, 2016

Brothers Bob and Matt Servis will be retiring from the classroom come the end of the school year -- Bob from Monroe High School and Matt from Arborwood North.  It will be the first time there is not a Servis on the MPS teaching roster in quite some time.  Read the story published about them in the Toledo Blade by pasting the following URL into your browser



Early release May 18 but not for MHS

May 16, 2016

This is a reminder that Wednesday, May 18, is an early release day for many of our students but NOT for Monroe High School.  The MHS all-day attendance is due to the state-mandated testing schedule and the need for students to receive the required number of instructional hours.  On Wednesday, all students in all of our elementary schools, Monroe Middle School and Orchard Center High School – will have an early release after a half-day of classes.  However, Monroe High School students will attend school the regular times – from 7:23 a.m. until 2:12 p.m.  

By building, here is the early-release schedule for May 18.  

Orchard Center High School – 10:14 a.m.

Monroe Middle School – 11:09 a.m.

Arborwood North – 11:43 a.m.

Arborwood South – 11:48 a.m.

Custer 1 – 12:14 p.m.

Custer 2 – 12:11 p.m.

Manor – 12:01 p.m.

Raisinville – 12:01 p.m.

Waterloo – 11:46 a.m.



4 win Whole Apple Awards

May 06, 2016

Four persons who are associated with Monroe Public Schools were recognized Thursday night by the Monroe County Intermediate School District and were presented Whole Apple Awards for their work with Exceptional Children. 

Lisa Bagley of Monroe Middle School, was the Special Education Paraprofessional of the Year.  Krystina Seibert was the Special Education Parent of the Year.  Renee Peterson was the School or Program Administrator of the Year.  Monroe High School Senior Madyson Farris, who has been involved with and in charge of a number of worthy causes in her four years at MHS, was named the General Education Peer Mentor of the Year.

Congratulations to all of you and thank you for your work with and on behalf of these exceptional children who attend Monroe Public Schools.

Elementary schools win Apple awards

May 05, 2016

Congratulations to the five Monroe Public Schools’ elementary schools for being certified as Monroe County Healthy Schools by the Monroe County Building Healthy Communities Coalition.  They were recognized at the recent Monroe County Earth Day Expo.

               Schools could achieve either Golden, Silver or Bronze Apple Awards based on the number of activities implemented.  Earning Golden Apple Awards, the highest possible, were Custer, Manor and Waterloo elementaries.  Arborwood North won a Silver Apple Award and Raisinville earned a Bronze Apple Award. 

               The program aims to increase health knowledge, attitudes and skills, positive health behaviors and outcomes.  The three key focus areas are activity, nutrition and substance abuse. 

MHS Jazz Band kicks off concert series

May 04, 2016

               The City of Monroe recently released its summer performance schedule for Thursday night entertainment in St. Mary’s Park and once again, they have saved the best for first.

               That’s right – the award-winning Monroe High School Jazz Band kicks off the entire summer music program with a concert 7 p.m., Thursday, May 26.  Admission is always free and make sure you bring your lawn chair and enjoy the great music.

               Here is what the Recreation Department said about the Monroe High School Jazz Band:  “We kick off our concert series with this great jazz opportunity.  The MHS Jazz Band under the direction of Mr. Jim Nuechterlein earned a Division 1 rating – the best achievable – at the Michigan School Band and Orchestra State Jazz Festival.  This is the fifth Division One rating the band has earned in the last six years.  Help us celebrate our youth.”   

               Throughout the summer you will get to see tribute bands for Bob Seger, the Beatles and Tim McGraw but on May 26 you get to see the REAL MHS jazz band.  Come and enjoy.

Tech millage renewal passes handily

May 04, 2016
Thank you voters. Although the numbers are unaudited and unofficial at this point, they are unmistakable. The educational technology levy renewal passed by a count of 9,493 yes, to 3,523 no. The five-year renewal means continued strong support for technology in our classrooms, not only in Monroe Public Schools but in all other local public schools, too. For MPS, the millage produces roughly $1.4 million per year. Voters - -thank you so much.

Decision Day today:  Watch it here live!

May 03, 2016

The Monroe High School Class of 2016 will proudly tell the world today what plans they have after they graduate from Monroe High School.  It is Decision Day 2016.  The festivities begin at noon today in the Monroe High School Auditorium and you can watch them live.  Just use the link below to watch the actual ceremonies.


Remember to vote Tuesday, May 3

May 02, 2016

Remember to vote Tuesday, May 3, in the Educational Technology Millage Renewal Election.  Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.  If you are not sure where your polling place is, please call the clerk in your governmental unit.  Here are their phone numbers:

City of Monroe – 384-9136

Monroe Charter Township – 241-6574

Frenchtown Charter Township – 242-5800

LaSalle Township – 241-4344

Raisinville Township – 269-2506

Exeter Township -- 587-2100

MHS has third Decision Day May 3

April 27, 2016

Students at Monroe High School will participate in the third annual Career and College Readiness Fair and Decision Day program on Tuesday, May 3. Decision Day is an opportunity for the MHS Class of 2016 to proudly declare their post-secondary plans to their classmates, teachers, family members, and younger students within Monroe Public Schools.

To generate excitement among all students in Monroe Public Schools, including elementary students, staff members and a handful of graduating seniors will visit the district’s elementary schools on April 28 and 29. They will get the students excited and will question them about their hopes for their future, instilling in them desire and eagerness for college and career readiness.

The big day for Monroe High School students will begin in the gym at 8am on May 3rd, where the annual Career and College Readiness Fair will take place; this event will include participation of some 50 institutions and/or organizations. Those represented will include colleges and universities, technical and trade associations, military representatives, local employers, and community resources.  Parents who are available and interested are invited to attend the College and Career Readiness Fair.

During the afternoon, Decision Day, a high-spirited event, will begin at noon in the MHS auditorium. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube so all Monroe Public Schools students – from the youngest up to juniors in high school who will take the stage next year -- can share in the excitement and celebration, as can parents who may not be able to attend the event.


At the Decision Day ceremony, all Monroe High School seniors will take turns declaring their post-secondary plans. Students will walk across the stage, proudly flaunting their Decision Day posters, and will sign a letter of intent as well as place their mark on a map. Representatives from many institutions and/or organizations will be on hand to welcome their newest members. 


Mrs. Sandra Kreps, MHS principal, will welcome several Monroe Public School alumni that will share their career pathway from elementary school to where they are today!  The speakers will inspire and encourage the students that Career and College Decision day is a beginning and continuation of their life’s journey!


Additionally, two special videos will be aired. One will feature graduating seniors sharing their thoughts about their years in Monroe Public Schools and the plans they have for their lives.  The other video will highlight faculty and staff wishing their students the best. 



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