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Waterloo Elementary School
Mrs. Everly named to new MPS post
June 24, 2015 Syndicated from District

Julie Everly, who has been a teacher and administrator with Monroe Public Schools for 20 years, has been appointed deputy superintendent of the district with overall responsibility for elementary and secondary education and human resources.  She will report to Monroe Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Barry Martin.

     The new role for Mrs. Everly includes a consolidation of duties with the departure July 1 of Dr. Ryan McLeod, who has been selected as superintendent of East Detroit Public Schools.  Dr. McLeod’s resignation was accepted by the Monroe Public Schools Board of Education Tuesday night (June 23.)  For the past several years, Dr. McLeod and Mrs. Everly have split assistant superintendent duties.  Mrs. Everly was in charge of elementary education and Dr. McLeod had responsibility for secondary education.  Both shared human resources duties. 

     “Mrs. Everly’s knowledge of our district, her demonstrated leadership and the strength of our staff all ensure a very smooth transition, and continued strong educational opportunities for all students here at Monroe Public Schools,” said Superintendent Dr. Barry Martin.       

     Reporting to Mrs. Everly as of July 1 will be an experienced human resources specialist already on staff, Holly Scherer, and two other positions which will be responsible for curriculum.  Those persons have not been chosen.

     Mrs. Everly joined the Monroe Public Schools staff in 1995 as a classroom teacher at Manor Elementary School.  She was named principal at Raisinville School in 2003 and co-principal in 2009 at the then newly joined Hollywood and Cantrick buildings which were renamed Arborwood Elementary Campus.  She has been an assistant superintendent since 2011.

     She has her bachelor and master degrees and her Specialist Degree with Central Office Administrative Certification from Eastern Michigan University. 

     Dr. McLeod is the second top administrator at Monroe Public Schools to be hired as a superintendent at another district this year.  Valerie Orr, who has been the principal at Monroe High School for the past two years, was named superintendent at Whiteford Schools in late May. 

     Also on Tuesday night. Jessica Shultz, who was assistant principal at Monroe Middle School, submitted her resignation to the board so she could accept the position of principal at Gibraltar Carlson High School.

     “We certainly are reluctant to say goodbye to the people who are leaving,” said Dr. Martin.  “However, it is a great endorsement of the quality of people we have in our district and the positive impact they have had on teaching and learning here at Monroe that other districts want them to come and join them.” 
