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Monroe Middle School


The Monroe Middle School Library Media Center is open to students from 7:53 AM until 2:45 PM each school day. A variety of print and non-print materials are available to support the curriculum needs of the students. 

All students must have a SmartPass to enter the Library Media Center during the school day.    

Books and other resources that are checked out from the Library Media Center are to be returned within fifteen days.  A late fee of five cents per day will be charged for books returned past their due date. If a book is lost or damaged, the student will be expected to reimburse the school accordingly.

Computers are available for student use in the Library Media Center.  The computers are equipped with Internet access and various software programs. All work performed at the Library Media Center computer work stations must be school related.  Each student must have a guardian signed “User Agreement and Parent Permission Form" on file in the Library Media Center. Further information regarding Library Media Center procedures and policies is available on this site
