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Monroe Middle School


The safety of the school environment at Monroe Middle School is our top priority.  Each school in MPS has comprehensive emergency plans and procedures that are in place to allow for immediate response to any emergency event.  These plans are coordinated with local, county, state, and federal security plans.  The school district works closely with local public safety officials and uses their expertise and intelligence in our on-going process of updating our safety and security procedures.


Our best preparation for any situation is a well-informed community and a coordinated response by local emergency and school officials.  MMS has taken every opportunity to make these preparations and will continue to do so.  Your children are surrounded daily by professionals who have dedicated their lives to helping their students; in the event of an emergency, you can count on these caring individuals to keep your children secure.  You can be assured that your children’s safety at Monroe Middle School is our foremost priority.



  • All doors to the building are locked between 7:53a.m. and 2:45p.m.
  • Report to Door "B" on the 5th street side of the building to request access during the school day.
  • When parents/guests enter the building, they will report to the main office. 
  • All parents/visitors will be required to show identification before entering the school building or picking up students. 
  • Students will only be released to individuals listed on his/her student information form (PP-15) that is on file in the office (please update as needed).
  • Visitors/parents will not be in the building during the school day without an escort.
  • All visitors in the building will have a visitor badge while in the building. 



In the event that unique circumstances in or around the school building dictate that students be evacuated from the building, staff members will follow the established procedure.   Students may be bused to one of several designated locations in the community that have been determined to be suitable for temporarily housing all students until they may return to school.


Parents are discouraged from arriving at the location to pick up their child.   Students will be located in a secure staging location and will remain there until officials determine that it is safe to return to school.  Parent intervention at these sites typically causes the location to become disorderly and jeopardizes the attempt of school and law enforcement officials to maintain an orderly setting.


Should a parent insist on picking up his/her child, it will be required that a photo ID be presented before anyone will be permitted to take a child from the premises.  Under no circumstances may a parent or guardian take another student from the location.