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Monroe Middle School

SuccessMaker® Math Concepts & Skills 2 (MCS2)is a new highly engaging math courseware from Pearson Digital Learning.  Monroe Middle School has adopted the program to assist our students in filling in the gaps that might exist in their math skills and to help them be successful in mathematics.


Math Concepts and Skills 2 provides guided, interactive practice covering more than 1,600 mathematics learning objectives. The program is organized in strands. The Computation strands include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, equations and speed games. The Application strands include number concepts, geometry, measurement, word problems, applications, problem solving, science applications, and probability and statistics.


An added benefit of SuccessMaker Math is the Results Manager management system which provides progress reporting for teachers and parents that can be used to individualize instruction, maximize accountability, and promote data-driven decision making.


MMS students access this program in Enrichment during the school day and at Trojan Tutoring after school.  In addition, SuccessMaker® Math is also available for students to use at home on their own home computer.  MMS Parents or students who have an interest in using this program at home should contact their math teacher to obtain a username and password.  The installation kit for at home use is available from the LMC.