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Raisinville Elementary School
Channel 13 story focuses on MHS

November 02, 2015

WTVG-TV Channel 13 reporter Kristian Brown visited Monroe High School recently to see what was going on at school with Career and College Ready Day.  Copy and paste the following link into your browser to see the story she filed.



Custer family to Lace Them Up for Chase

November 02, 2015
Students at Custer Elementary School and members of the Custer community will "Lace Them up for Chase," this Saturday, November 7, to benefit Custer fifth grader Chase who suffers from a rare blood disease. To help raise money to support Chase and his treatment and recovery, all participants will register at 11 a.m. to either walk or run on the paved Custer track from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. this Saturday. Over the last two weeks, Custer students have been collecting donations to help support the cause. Raffle prizes also will be drawn for Custer students. "Be The Match" will be at the event providing information and registering adults to be on the bone marrow registry. In addition, the Monroe County Chapter, American Red Cross, will sign up adults to participate in Custer's December blood drive. Last May, Chase was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia, which causes a deficiency in all blood types which leads to failure of bone marrow development. A rare disease, less than 1,000 news cases are diagnosed each year. Chase requires frequent blood and platelet transfusions at C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, and his blood level is monitored weekly. He will require a bone marrow transplant to cure this condition, and a donor has been located. Persons with questions should contact Custer school teacher Teresa Stewart at 734-265-4313. To pledge funds to help Chase, clink on this link.

MHS to be featured Friday night on TV

October 30, 2015

Monroe High School and its first-ever Career and College Ready Day will be featured tonight in a televised report by WTVG-TV news reporter Kristian Brown.  The piece is scheduled to be in the 5:30 p.m. segment of the news.  Consult your cable operator for the location of WTVG-TV on your cable dial.  It is Channel 13 if you have over-the-air television.

TV piece looks at Trojan Pride Card

October 30, 2015

WTVG-TV reporter Kristian Brown was at Monroe High School this week and filed this story about the school's successful Trojan Pride Card program.  Copy and paste the link below into browser to see more.  The MHS piece is preceded by a 15-second lawyer commercial.


WRAZ News for October 29th

October 29, 2015

Have a safe Halloween!!  Here is our last October newscast, enjoy!




Jonathon Brown MIT class president

October 29, 2015

Congratulations to Monroe High School graduate Jonathon Brown who has been elected president of his 1,100-member Class of 2019 at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT.)  He will serve during his freshman year with the next election scheduled for April 2016 for his class’ sophomore year.  Jonathon said that he had a number of leadership roles while at Monroe High School but this is the first time he has been elected class president.  Jonathon was a summa cum laude graduate and a senior scholar as a member of the MHS Class of 2015.  With scholarship offers from eight major universities, he was one of the most sought-after MHS grads in the history of the school.  During his years at MHS, he was a member of the student council, National Honor Society president, Upward Bound Student of the Year and captain of the wrestling team.  At MIT, he is studying mathematics and astrophysics.  Best wishes…Mr. President.  

No School Friday, October 30

October 28, 2015

There will be no school for Monroe Public Schools students this Friday, October 30, so our staff can participate in the county-wide in-service day.  In addition, there will be no Kid’s Club at Riverside or Custer on Friday and there will be no Rainbow Pre-School on Friday either.  Once again – no school Friday for Monroe Public Schools students, no kid’s club and no Rainbow Preschool. 

WRAZ News for October 28th

October 28, 2015

Happy Hump Daaaaaaaay!  Here is our newscast for Wednesday.  Thank you to the hard working 5th grade WRAZ students for helping out our 6th grade students.






WRAZ News for October 27th

October 27, 2015

Tuesday's newscast from the WRAZ news studio.



MHS Band-O-Rama is Wednesday night

October 26, 2015

     The Monroe High School Instrumental Music Department will present its annual fall concert entitled Band-O-Rama!  The concert, which will present the Monroe High School String Orchestra, Chamber Strings and the Monroe High School Trojan Marching Band, will be at 7 p.m., Wednesday, October 28, in the Monroe High School Auditorium.

     The Orchestra will kick off the concert with a variety of selections including: “John Williams Trilogy” and “Hopak” from “The Fair at Sorochnisk.  The Chamber Strings portion will include ‘Allegro in D” by Vivaldi.

     The last portion of the concert will feature the 96-member, Trojan Marching Band.  The band will present a review of their recently concluded marching season entitled “Queen with a little bit of Styx,” including the songs “We Will Rock You,” “Another One Bites the Dust,” “Too Much Time On My Hands” and “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

     The concert will be under the direction of Orchestra director Ann Felder and Band director James Nuechterlein.  The Master of Ceremonies will be Craig Prater.  The public is welcome and admission is complimentary.