Welcome to Monroe Public School's Music Department
District Music Office: 734.265.3473
Fax: 734.265.3400
The mission of music education in Monroe Public Schools is to provide children with a means for musical growth. Music education encourages the development of skills, knowledge, appreciation, attitudes, and cultural awareness to promote a lifelong enjoyment of music.
Development of the Total Person
We believe through participation in music activities students will benefit in many areas of everyday living, leading to a better quality of life.
Character building traits learned from participation in an organized music curriculum:
- Aesthetic sensitivity.
- Higher self esteem, respect for accomplishment, being in touch with one's feelings, success for non- achievers, poise.
- Friendship, love for mankind, cooperation, feelings of belonging, participation, good manners.
- Willingness to be a leader/follower, commitment and reliability to self and group.
- Higher thinking skills, mental powers in the cognitive area, imagination.
Reinforcement of basic educational skills through participation in an organized music curriculum:
- Math Skills - fractions-numerals, logic, proportions.
- Reading Skills - Phonics, syllabication, pronunciation, fluency, diction, articulation, spelling, rhyme.
- Social Studies - understanding of different world cultures, geography, history.
- Language Arts - English, foreign language, literary forms.
- Science - acoustics of sound, health and safety.
- Development of fine and gross motor skills.