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Monroe Public Schools
Special activities for MHS seniors
April 07, 2016 Syndicated from MHS

While their schoolmates at Monroe High School are taking various state-required tests next week, seniors at Monroe High School will have various opportunities to make sure they are “career and college ready.”  They could earn a $500 scholarship in the process. 

     “On April 12, the first day of assessments for 9th and 10th graders and state testing for the 11th graders, we are encouraging our seniors to participate in a valuable off-campus opportunity and/or task of their choice to help prepare them for a smooth post-secondary transition,” said Monroe High School Principal Mrs. Sandy Kreps. 

     Mrs. Kreps and post-secondary planners, Savanah Garcia, Manual Hoskins and Jaclyn Sawasky, developed 20 valuable activities for seniors to consider doing on the day they don’t come to school.  They range from job shadowing to a college visit to an appointment with a military recruiter or a job interview.

     There are numerous other choices, too.  Students also are encouraged to become introspective and identify what they want to do in life after high school and then develop a plan and a timeline to accomplish it.  Seniors also are encouraged to submit three job applications and maybe be hired for a summer job before the summer rush, or make a checklist of things to be completed before graduation and then complete three of them.

     All of the suggested activities are geared toward making the day away from school a valuable one for the seniors who are now one month away from Career and College Decision Day and two months away from graduation, Mrs. Kreps said.

     If a senior fulfills the requirements for a career- and college-ready assignment, they can turn in a completed form to a post-secondary planner by April 15 to be entered to win a $500 scholarship which will be announced on Career and College Decision Day, May 3. 
