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Monroe Public Schools


Michigan Department of Education Social Studies Grade Level Content Expectations


Professional Organizations

National Council for the Social Studies

Michigan Council for the Social Studies

National Council for Geographic Education

Michigan Council for History Education




U.S. Government Agencies - Links to the Kids' Pages of all of the governement agencies such as the EPA, FBI, USDA, CIA, White House, FEMA, etc.

Historical Pictures of Monroe - pictures of Monroe through the years.




4th Grade

Flint Sit-Down Strike - A role-playing adventure where students play the part of a reporter in the late 1930's. They're job is to write a story for the Flint Journal about the Strike. The use primary resources and an interactive timeline.

The Mitten Topics and Teacher Supplements - The Mitten is a four page publication written specifically for 4th grade students. Each Mitten publication reflects a Michigan history topic. They can be downloaded as used for student research or classroom instruction. Teacher supplements are also available.

You Be the Judge - This interactive threaded storybook for elementary students teaches core democratic values such as Pursuit of Happiness, Private Property Rights, and other Constitutional Rights. Help the kids decide how best to keep a treasured tree that is in danger of being cut down. Children can make several decisions throughout the story which will effect the final outcome.

Where Is The Green Gold? - follow young Tom Cobb as he sneaks aboard a wagon to a lumber camp in Michigan in the late 1800's. He learns all about the camp, the lumbering process and what green gold really was.

A Freeway Story - This is the tale of a community near Detroit that is dealing with the construction of a new freeway which will go through their city. What power do the citizens have to change the plans of the government? What will be the best compromise of the needs of the citizens vs. the needs of the Common Good?